Saturday, September 25, 2010

First memory of gaming P&P style.

First memory of gaming P&P style.


  1. Hah, you actually remembered something? Funny.

    I'm just being a hardass, but yeah. Depending on how you look at it, my first actual gaming was at the Den. But I almost was in a game when I was in middle school at my friend's Gennie's house.

  2. I did something like that once... took up as the GM at the last minute, tossed a bunch of pre-mades into a forest to do some monster-slaying.

    Them: "Hey, give us some goblinoids, they're easy."

    Me: "Is that so? ...Bugbears are goblinoids."

    Them: "FFFFFF--"

    ...Were you there yet for that one? I don't remember.

  3. I think I was... so we asked for kobolds... cause you were being silly, so you sent kobolds and dire ferrets at us...

  4. It says right in the rules that they travel with dire ferrets!

    And the concept of a dire ferret just tickles me too much to pass up. Hee~.

  5. cool dude, check out the new d&d red box, their trying to go back to there classic style.

  6. holy crap... a whole d&d set for 13$? I might actually check that out!
